Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

PLANETARIA – Talks with the Earth

PLANETARIA – Talks with the Earth

Eng is Innovation Partner of the first edition combining environment, theater and science at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence.

Florence, June 07 - 09 2024

From June 7 to 9 in Florence, the first edition of Planetaria - Talks with the Earth, an immersive experience between climate change and AI born from the collaboration between the world of entertainment and world-class scientists, will be staged at the Teatro della Pergola.

Conceived by Stefano Accorsi and Filippo Gentili, with the production of Superhumans and Fondazione teatro della Toscana, Planetaria offers viewers a unique experience never before experienced. A Sibyl, the AI created ad hoc by Innovation Partner Engineering, dialogues in real time with artists, scientists and the audience in the auditorium during the three evening performances, the so-called “imaginary conferences,” in which the story is told of how the environmental problem was arrived at in an imaginary future.

Also on June 9 at 4 p.m. Eng is featured on the Live podcast - Actually with Engineering to talk about the state of the art of AI.

The themes of the “imaginary lectures,” of which the seven-meter avatar becomes the voice, are Earth on June 7, Water on June 8, World Oceans Day, and Air on June 9, a three-day journey of art, theater and science in the name of great popularization for adults and children.

Participation in all Planetaria events is free, by reservation at the link Check out the full program!


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Tel. (+39) 06-87591