Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Digital Finance

We help organizations transform how they manage  data and processes, enhancing all relationships and leading them towards new digital ecosystems.

Portfolio Map

Digital Finance

Manage customer relationships through integrated approaches by focusing on customer retention and relationship development. Interact with current and potential customers along all process involved (e.g. grant credit services, ensure compliance with company policies, etc.) Support payment instruments, common rules, procedures and program facilities for clearings, fund transfers and final settlement executions. Manage client's cash, securities and goods by a bank or financial services company. Provide high-level professional service combining financial and investment advices, accounting and tax services, retirement planning, and legal or estate planning. Support the offering of banks to trading partners, in order to financially support their reciprocal exchange of goods, monetary flows, or commercial papers. Enable the sale of insurance products through the bank's sales network. Support services provided by groups of networked bank/insurance branches, where customers perform basic transactions from any of the member branch offices. Create scenarios through statistical tools to understand reality and predict future states, supporting decision making processes. Manage insurance companies' end-to-end process for reinsurance Support activities related to EU regulations aimed increase customer protection in financial, insurance, payments and banking services. Manage company data and process (e.g. availability, usability, integrity and security) Support decision or evaluation processes through a set of explicit rules to collect, assess and process information, events and facts. Improve services related to accounting, regulatory compliance organizational and technical issues, to optimize synergies between technology and business. Support the online or networked identity adopted or claimed in cyberspace by an individual, organization or electronic device. Develop mobile platforms allowing financial and insurance institutions to deliver services through apps. Develop platforms for financial and insurance institutions according to Clients present and future needs. Create "on time" insurance policies meeting clients' needs in the perfect moment, place and for the necessary duration. Improve electronic retail payment solutions allowing to rapidly and irrevocably exchange funds and to immediately gain related information. Support new online payment & marketing solutions for the vending industry. Support platforms for the collection of small amounts of capital from a large number of individuals to finance a new business or project. Implement software agents that can perform tasks or services for an individual. Plug-and-play business model allowing multiple participants (producers and consumers) to connect, interact and exchange value to provide banking services. Plug-and-play business model allowing multiple participants (producers and consumers) to connect, interact, and exchange value to provide insurance services. Support online provision of financial advice or Investment management, with moderate to minimal human intervention. Create long-lasting relationships with the customer base, through marketing campaigns, social media and mobile and wearable devices. Services aimed to design, implement, transform, optimize and operate technology and cloud solutions. Services aimed to enhance, evolve and support end users in the adoption and use of business and technology solutions in the modern workplace. Services aimed to ensure the optimal coverage of Clients' business needs through technology. Services aimed to design, develop, implement and maintain omnichannel (including mobile) applications for connected devices. Services aimed to design software applications and services focusing on the quality of user experience and interfaces. Services aimed to design and implement Clients' strategies related to brand, online positioning and multimedia. Govern large amounts of structured and non structured data, enabling better decisions through clear data recognition (semantic) and data validation (data quality). Support companies' coordinated efforts to address risk and uncertainties, to act with integrity and to adhere to laws and regulations. Support design, development, service, operation, maintenance, upgrade of infrastructure technology platforms (e.g. cloud, IoT technology, cybersecurity).

Trend Radar

Eng Outlook 2024

How can we evolve together? Discover in the interviews with our Business and tech leaders on current trends and big challenges.


Financial Modelling

Quantitative finance and mathematical models applied to understand and manage uncertainty in financial markets, create data-driven investment strategies, and optimize risk management.

Instant Paper

Emotional Banking

We support banks in building a new connection with the client, based on shared values and emotional experiences.


Case Study

Intesa Sanpaolo, 360° customer experience

With our solutions, Intesa Sanpaolo has transformed the user experience into an increasingly personalised journey, improving its CRM and creating a large ecosystem of services.

White Paper

Where Business Meets Technology

We combine the business needs with the opportunities of new technologies to evolve and transform.


Instant Paper

Central Bank Digital Currency

Challenges and opportunities of the new digital currency.


Case Study

Monitoring market risks for bank treasury

We provide modular and scalable solutions that enable bank treasuries in monitoring market and liquidity risks.


Case Study

Strategic approach to compliance

An operational model for collateral management for OTC derivatives, starting from the requirements introduced by the regulation EMIR.

White Paper

Digital Finance

We guide financial institutions towards new digital ecosystems. This to be able to innovate processes, meet the needs of persons, and create new value for the future.


Case Study

Request to Pay for a major financial player

We guided a major financial player in the strategic analysis and setting up of the Request to Pay initiative.

White Paper

Where Business Meets Technology

We combine the business needs with the opportunities of new technologies to evolve and transform.


Case Study

Big Financial Data: secured data for Intesa Sanpaolo

With us Intesa Sanpaolo manages and optimizes the enormous quantity of data in its possession for a more efficient Data Governance.


Case Study

The tower transformation of digital finance

With our service model we created synergies in the end-user area, to manage and evolve the technological and application-based infrastructure of a major Italian banking group.


White Paper

The New Normal
& Appendix

Our Manifesto with focus on Digital Finance


Case Study

Loyalty & Payments Ecosystem

An innovative and integrated electronic points collection system to accumulate real-time promo points, fuel discounts and phone minutes. This is just one of our strategies for innovating your loyalty & payment services.


Case Study

Advanced monitoring tools for Reale Group

Adoption of Dynatrace platform to ensure observability of core applications and support Reale Group's international expansion.

Focus On

Digital Workplace

We transform the way we work, learn and collaborate through digital platforms, in total security, anywhere, anytime.

White Paper

The New Normal

Building together a post Covid-19 world.

White Paper


Cybersecurity protects and enables your organization as it embraces Digital Transformation.

White Paper

Cloud - White Paper

Evolving, enabling, extending your business through Cloud.

White Paper

Digital Transformation

Leading our customers towards a new economy of digital ecosystems.

White Paper


Engineering Blockchain solutions enable the Digital Transformation of public and private organizations.

White Paper


The key to transform the real world into data, creating new ecosystems of knowledge.

White Paper

AI & Advanced Analytics

Simplifying complexity to face the future by giving voice to your most precious asset: data.

White Paper

Robotic Process Automation

Process automation to enhance the human component of work 4.0.

White Paper

Engineering Innovation

Engineering Innovation Delivering the power of Innovation triggered by ideas.

White Paper

Digital Ecosystems & Composable Solutions

Where Your Business Meets Innovation.

Instant Paper


The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is a great opportunity to accelerate and build Italy's future, together.

Trend Radar


Find out all about the Metaverse, the enabling technologies, the business opportunities and our experiences.

Engineering Group

Nexen Business Consulting

Vision and knowledge to turn challenges into opportunities.

Case Study

Fill the digital tank

How can digital payments be increased by more than 300%? By using a solution that facilitates the management of digital payments and their use by clients: by using our solution.

Discover the Ecosystem of Platforms and Solutions for Digital Transformation chosen by our Customers

Grace Suite

Governance, Risk, Regulatory & Compliance

Platform offering a set of specialized applications in Governance, Risk, Regulatory and Compliance.


Digital Wealth Management

Defining a product offering that is sustainable and consistent with the aims and the life cycle of the customer.


Customer Loyalty

Platform for managing services related to electronic payment tools for banking and business.