Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Our Approach

Implement & Integrate

Leverage Business & Technology Plaftorms (best of breed as well as our own custom built solutions)

We choose the best technologies to design the best solutions to the needs of our stakeholders. In this way, we build long-term relationships that do not depend on the type of technology selected and implemented, also because we know how to manage all technologies, from the most traditional to the most innovative.

We develop proprietary solutions to manage core business processes thanks to our software laboratories distributed in Italy and abroad, combining a deep technological and business knowledge and insight.

We also collaborate with major technology partners through our dedicated excellence centers, implementing cutting-edge market platforms, integrating them both with existing technologies and with our solutions.

We know that technology alone is not enough to ensure the success of an IT project. Thanks to our Project Management Excellence Center, we ensure that projects are managed in line with the latest skills and technologies in the sector.

A worker who uses new technologies

Traditional & Enabling Technologies

We rely on a unique value proposition that combines traditional and enabling technologies. Our software laboratories and Competence Centers incorporate the knowledge of over 40 years of working on our customers' main business processes, both with traditional technologies - Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Geographical Information System (GIS), Enterprise Content Management (ECM) - as well as new technologies, such as AI & Advanced Analytics, Internet of Things and Industrial IoT, Intelligent Automation (RPA).
A tie that represents ownership and partnership on software platforms

Proprietary & Partner Solutions

Our portfolio of 20+ proprietary software solutions represents one of our main assets. We constantly evolve them based on new business needs and new technologies, co-designing them with our customers. Some platforms are market benchmarks (e.g. Geocall, Net@Suite, Digital Finance risk& compliance platforms), others are an integral part of our customers' core processes (e.g. AREAS, JENTE, DiVE), and others were developed recently (e.g. ellipse, Cloudesire). Cross-industry horizontal platforms, such as the Digital Enabler, enable new business models linked to ecosystems.
We also work with all major tech providers with our centers of excellence to implement cutting edge market solutions, integrating them both with existing systems and at times with our own solutions.
A hand holding icons of various project management tools

Project Management

With our Project Management Center of Excellence we offer our clients the latest Project Management skills and technologies: the combination of business skills, knowledge of technology and the best methodologies make us a leader in the IT Implementation market.
We support governance activities in large and complex projects, by providing hard / soft Project Management skills, solid knowledge of Project Management tools, Project Management Office (PMO) services for all projects.
A hand holding icons of various project management tools

Competence Center

Industries eXcellence

We deliver digital transformation solutions that advance the way the industrial and manufacturing worlds work.


Competence Center

Enterprise Integration eXcellence Center

Ensuring the value and centrality of organizations’ data integration.


Competence Center

Data & Analytics

Technologies, tools and methodologies to generate advanced insights and maximize the value of data.


Competence Center

Project Management Center of Excellence

Ensuring solid and innovative management of our Clients’ and our own projects, providing skilled PM/PMO Specialists across all markets.


Competence Center

Advanced Enterprise Platforms

We enable digital transformation by combining our knowledge of business needs, market verticals and solutions of the main Software Vendors.


Competence Center

Robotic Process Automation

We guide the development of a
valuable Robotic Industrialization Office.


Competence Center

GIS: Geographic Information System

Cutting-edge GIS solutions to optimize activities on the field.


Engineering Group

System Integration Labs

Ensuring rapid & solid system integration to align Customer needs & IT solutions.


Engineering Group


First national operator specialized in Cybersecurity and among the main European players. With more than 300 specialists, protects and enables the secure growth of the business by minimizing cyber risks arising from Digital Transformation.


Our Cybersecurity company for advanced consulting, technology implementation, and managed services.

Our Approach

& Upskill

Exploring the frontiers of technologies, knowledge and markets

Our Approach

& Design

Design your Strategy, Design Your User Experience, re think business processes and services

Our Approach

& Integrate

Leverage Business & Technology Plaftorms (best of breed as well as our own custom built solutions)

Our Approach

& Evolve

End-to-end support with infrastructure outsourcing & technology maintenance and evolution