Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Digital Innovation<br>Days 2021

Digital Innovation
Days 2021

Our Chief Innovation Officer Massimo Canducci among the protagonists of the event.

November 10 - 13 2021

10 to 13 November will take place the Digital Innovation Days 2021: 4 days dedicated to innovation, sustainability, digital and in-formation. The event will be held in presence in Milan on the 10th and 11th November and will continue online over the next two days.

The 2021 edition's theme will be Human Capital: Driver for Innovation with a focus on the actual technological trends and a glimpse of the future. 

On stage will speak also Massimo Canducci, Chief Innovation Officer at Engineering, who will present on Nov. 11th at 11:45 am his last book Vite Aumentate – Come le tecnologie del futuro cambieranno le nostre vite” ("Augmented Lives - How the technologies of the future will change our lives"). In the book, Canducci asks himself about the impact of tomorrow's technologies on our daily lives and oh how the digital ecosystems will be able to abilitate these changes.

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