Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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Digital Industry

i4Q: Industrial Data Services for quality control in Smart Manufacturing

A suite of solutions to manage the huge amount of industrial data coming from interconnected factory devices for supporting manufacturing monitoring and control.

Approach & Solution

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Manufacturing companies are continuously facing the challenge of redesigning and adjusting their systems to produce goods adapted to specific requirements and produced under the minimum required production rate, guaranteeing high quality and limiting the use of resources.

Therefore, reducing waste, scraps and defects, as well as production costs and lead times is crucial to increase productivity.

Moreover a successful smart factory needs to manage data-related processes along the entire data life cycle, including data collection, storage, distribution, analysis, use, and deletion, to ensure high data quality at all times.

The i4Q Project aims to provide a complete solution able to manage the huge amount of industrial data for supporting manufacturing online monitoring and control.
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The i4Q Project's response consists of an IoT-based Reliable Industrial Data Services (RIDS), a complete suite composed of 22 i4Q Solutions, founded on a modular Framework, rooted in a Reference Architecture.

The i4Q RIDS aims to support the complete flow of industrial data, starting from data collection to data analysis, simulation and prediction. It provides solutions to ensure data quality, security and trustworthiness.

Engineering is responsible of the design of the Reference Framework which incorporates the business, usage, functional and implementation viewpoints and supports the validation actvities in the WHIRLPOOL and BIESSE pilots.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 958205.


Industrial data management system

AI-based data analytics tools

Software process quality diagnostics

Simulation models for the plant reconfiguration

Procedure for certification and audit

Project value

Process performance
Cost cutting

Enabling Technologies

AI & Advanced Analytics
Digital Twin

Project Team

Research & Innovation