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InteropEHRate: new ways for managing health data

We are experimenting, through a dedicated research project, a new model for managing health data that is distributed and shared among citizens, hospitals and research centres, even using a Smartphone.

Approach & Solution



At present, health information management follows a top-down model, based on the exchange of data between central national authorities. This approach leads to poor control by the citizen, incompleteness and a lack of understanding due to differences in languages and standards.
Thanks to the increasing mobility of people and to the opportunity - and need - of using clinical data for research and for the continuity of personal care, Europe has launched initiatives to enable the exchange of health data between different countries.

Among these, InteropEHRate: an ambitious European research project coordinated by us and carried out with 15 partners including universities, companies, hospitals and health associations.


The exchange of health data currently passes through national EHRs (Electronic Health Records), information systems made available by central authorities that enable access to patients' medical history.InteropEHRate proposes a bottom-up model, governed by information producers and citizens.

Citizens will be able to have their personal health data stored on their smartphones, using applications referred to as Smart EHR (S-EHR). This will be done by relying on models and communication protocols that will enable the safe storage and direct exchange of data between hospitals or research centres, and the citizen’s S-EHR.

The same solution can be used by the citizen both in his own nation and abroad.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 826106.


Better control of the use of personal health data

An efficient way of consulting medical reports and prescriptions, also off-line

A way to donate data to research anonymously

Enhanced development of complementary applications

Project value


Enabling Technologies


Project Team

Research & Innovation