Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

Engineering Innovation in

Digital Media & Communication

DAFNE+: a decentralized platform for fair creative content distribution  

The use of blockchain and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as key enabling technologies for Digital Asset Management and the Metaverse in the creative content industry.

Approach & Solution



The diffusion of blockchain technology, the implementation of NFTs transactions and the Web 3.0 paradigm have increased the possibility for artists, users and creators to take part in a cultural and artistic distributed community with an eye on its evolution towards the Metaverse.

DAFNE+ uses those novel technologies and offers new business models to the cultural and creative industries, improving their global reach and opening up new distribution channels without the rules imposed by intermediaries.

The project develops a blockchain based platform supporting the fair creative content distribution through the use of NFTs and the creation of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) which are the emerging co-creation model in Web 3.0.
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DAFNE+ provides innovative services and tools for digital asset creation and management by developing new applications and enabling users to produce and ingest new content, directly valued and distributed.

The project simplifies the framework for the artists allowing them to use a set of tools, which can help them to easily participate and to offer their creative content over blockchains, without necessarily having a technical background.

Engineering is responsible for the design and the implement the entire blockchain based infrastructure and services, defining smart contracts and tools for the distributed data governances, the management of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and the creation and exchange of NFT.

The project has received co-funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme - Contract No. 864300


DAO platforms based on blockchain for creative industries

NFTs and blockchain based tools for digital asset management

Novel technologies for innovative digital asset production

New business models based on DAOs and fair revenue algorithms

Decentralised NFT Marketplace integrated with virtual spaces and Metaverse

Project value


Enabling Technologies

AI Advanced Analytics

Project Team

Research & Innovation