Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


Ka and Broadband Communications Conference 

In Stresa to talk about telecommunication, navigation and Earth observation satellite systems.

Stresa , October 18 - 21 2022


Looking for new talents with IG4U 2022

New edition of the university business game in economics and management.

October 14 2022


Data and analytics, the engine of the Customer relationship

Join the new edition of the CRM Observatory.

October 13 2022


Digital Health Summit 2022

A digital week dedicated to the themes of innovation, sustainability and safety along the entire supply chain of the Health System.

Milan, October 12 - 14 2022


Orvieto lands in the Metaverse

Our solution will be presented on Oct 12 at the TTG Fair in Rimini.

Rimini, October 12 - 14 2022


Job Fair La Statale 2022

Two special appointments to encourage students to meet the world of work.

Milan, October 12 - 19 2022


Festival of the Cities 2022

Municipia is confirmed as one of the protagonists of the event organized by ALI Italian Local Autonomies.

Rome, October 11 - 13 2022


European Week of Regions and Cities

Join us to talk about digital technologies for inclusive and sustainable decision-making processes.

Brussels, October 10 - 13 2022


Municipia at the Popular Digital Festival

Turin hosts Italy's first event dedicated to digital culture and policy.

Turin, October 07 - 09 2022