Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


Logistics in B2B food e-commerce

Engineering joins Netcomm's webinar on B2B food e-commerce.

June 15 2023


Energy Executive Summit

Engineering at the event that brings together executives of production, sales and distribution in the energy sector.

Milan, June 14 2023


Data Week 2023

Engineering's R&I team is participating in the event with several speeches.

Luleå, Sweden, June 13 - 14 2023


FIWARE Global Summit 2023

Engineering's R&I team at a major open-source conference.

Vienna, June 12 - 13 2023


InnoGrid 2023

Between urgency and energy transition: getting the balance right.

June 09 2023


European Digital Forum 2023

Engineering brings the Metaverse to event focusing on media and digital.

Lucca, June 08 - 09 2023


8th CRM Observatory - Presentation of Final Results

The final event dedicated to the survey on the degree of CRM maturity in Italy from the Data & Analytics focus.

Milan, June 07 2023



Engineering, with its Digital Defense, Aerospace & Homeland Security area, will be present at the 2023 edition of the international show involving the excellence of the naval industry.

La Spezia, June 05 - 08 2023


reCITY Game Storm

An online workshop to design a video game on urban resilience.

June 01 2023