Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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If we are not searching for the essential, then what are we searching for?

Eng returns at Meeting of Rimini.

Rimini, August 20 - 25 2024

All Events


Digital Innovation for a modern fashion supply chain

Porini and Engineering's proposal.

Milan, October 06 2022


SAP Concur Day 2022

Trends in sustainability, employee experience and mobility, tips and best practices.

Milan, October 06 2022


Cloud ecosystem: preparing for new complexity

A conference to present the 2022 results of the Politecnico di Milano research.

October 06 2022


Big Data & AI Toronto

Our KNOWAGE Labs are participating in the international conference.

Toronto (Canada), October 06 - 07 2022


Connected Machines 2022

Engineering promotes the Italian event for Industrial IoT.

Piacenza, September 29 2022


Design Thinking e UX Design

Engineering confirms the partnership with Assinter Academy, the multidisciplinary training initiative.

Naples, September 29 - 30 2022


InteropEHRate Project Final Conference 

Discover new ways to manage and exchange Heath Data through a citizen-governed bottom-up model.

Liège, September 28 2022


La Sapienza University talents meet businesses

Engineering participates in the event organized by the Roman university to facilitate the meeting between labor supply and demand.

Rome, September 26 2022


SmartAgriHubs Final Event 

Join our experts and learn about Engineering's contribution to the digital innovation of the European agri-food sector.

Lisbon, September 26 - 28 2022