Engineering: leader della Digital Transformation

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Industry Digital Evolution 2024

Speakers from academia and business propose new ideas and opportunities.

Ostuni, September 04 - 06 2024

All Events


Culture and Creativity: new levers for multisectoral innovation

An event to discuss the role of culture and creativity in innovation processes and scientific research.

Trieste, January 26 2023


The Health Record in the Lazio Region

Engineering is promoting the conference organized by Aidr in cooperation with the Parliament and the European Commission.

Rome, January 24 2023


Third Self: the development of a new inner self

Engineering is one of TEDxRoma 2023's main sponsors.

Rome, January 21 2023


Data Centres: the nervous system of digital Italy

Conference presenting the results of Research 2022 conducted by the Politecnico di Milano.

Milan & live streaming, January 18 2023


Ansa Incontra:
interview with Maximo Ibarra

Watch on the website of the leading news agency in Italy.

January 17 2023


2023: the year of the NRRP

Guido Porro takes part in the webinar organized by the magazine Industria Italiana.

January 17 2023


A digital platform for monitoring energy consumption in Rome

The Sala della Protomoteca in Campidoglio hosts the presentation event of the PLATOON project.

Rome, January 16 2023


Meet your Future

Engineering at the Career Day of the University of Cagliari.

Cagliari, January 12 - 13 2023


Cloud in the Italian Public Administration: is it finally starting?

A conference to present the 2022 results of the research carried out by the Politecnico di Milano.

December 19 2022